Dunno how I got it back, but I did.
I also don't know how I feel about using it again.
Sorry for that outburst in the last journal.
Those people genuinely trigger me,
and since I drew them out, I was able to block them both,
and it seems like the issues with those two trying to bomb my ratings is over for the moment.
I've just been post more art, as you've noticed.
It's hard to keep up with like... getting folks up to date on what I do here as an artists.
It's not like this place gives me a place where I can like, organize lore and stuff.
But my other galleries DO have that. especially my Eka's gallery, which has so much of my lore stuff organized by character in their reference folder.
I saw someone talking shit about Eka's the other day, but it's like... I genuinely use it because it's got nice features.
I mean other than the obvious obsession the site is meant for.